Telecommuting tips

Telecommuting tips

The average Central Indiana commuter drives 40.8 miles and spends 50.6 minutes to and from work every day. So, one positive side of more people working from home is that we’re collectively reducing our region’s carbon footprint.

Check out our online calculator to measure the positive impact you’re making by telecommuting.

In addition, we’d like to share these tips to help the many folks being newly welcomed into the telecommuting world by COVID-19 precautions.

  • Create a safe, efficient and inspiring workplace and have essential tools on hand. Make sure family members are aware of and respect your designated work area … and that you respect theirs as well (including kids doing school work).
  • Embrace your usual schedule and routine as much as possible.
  • Most important, get moving in the morning, starting each day around the same time.
  • Notify your team when you begin and end your workday.
  • Keep your team informed about your schedule so they can field your calls when necessary throughout the day.
  • Respond to emails, texts and calls within 15 minutes.
  • Plan breaks throughout the day, and take them.
  • If you typically work in a workplace with a lot of interaction, make it a point to touch base with co-workers occasionally. Have virtual “hallway chats.” Grab “lunch” via online conferencing services. Do quick “Can I pick your brain?” calls to make up for the loss of creative and productive casual interactions you’ll otherwise miss.
  • Be disciplined, but not so disciplined that your home worksite is more restrictive than your workplace.
  • Set boundaries separating work life from home life.