CIRTA’s Top Wellness Program Ideas

CIRTA’s Top Wellness Program Ideas

Did you know that 52% of U.S. companies offer wellness programs for their employees, and 87% of employees consider health and wellness offerings when choosing an employer? If you want to attract top talent, then it’s time to start thinking about wellness programs. The good news is that not all employee wellness programs will break your budget, and there are plenty of things you can do to help your employees on a budget. We compiled some of our favorite ideas for you!

Pre-tax transit spending accounts

A transit spending account is used to pay pre-tax dollars for eligible mass transit costs spent during an employee’s commute to work. The employee’s contribution is deducted from their paycheck and deposited into the account for use. Pre-tax transit spending accounts are valuable to employees because it allows them to save money on transit and commute easier, as well as lowering stress related to commuting to work. Offering this to your employees will improve their job satisfaction and encourage usage of public transportation options!

Incentive-based exercise programs

Employees biking and walking to work helps reduce traffic and protect the environment, however, encouraging high enrollment in corporate exercise programs can sometimes be a challenge. Offering incentives for participation will help increase enrollment and employee work satisfaction! A few examples of incentives you can offer include gift cards to health-related retailers, event tickets, catered lunches, home office equipment, healthy home products, and paid time off.

Remote work opportunities

26% of U.S. employees now work remotely as of 2022. Remote work benefits are sought after by employees and can be a deal breaker for top talent searching for jobs. Not only will offering remote work make your company more attractive to applicants, but it also helps reduce the number of cars on the road, improving traffic congestion and air quality in Central Indiana!

Become a participating employer

Participating in Commuter Connect, a service of CIRTA, is easy with little to no cost associated! We offer a variety of services to help make the lives of employees easier as they commute including carpool/vanpool matching, advising on subsidizing transit fares, assistance with setting up preferential parking for employees, and showing you how to create incentives for carpooling, vanpooling, and participating in wellness programs.

Implementing a wellness program for your employees will keep them happy, healthy, and engaged with your company. CIRTA can help answer questions you have about implementing an employee wellness program. Contact us by emailing or calling us at 317.327.7433.